Sebastian Bonhoeffer

Prof. Dr. Sebastian Bonhoeffer


Head of Collegium Helveticum


Full Professor

Contact Data

Tel.: +41 44 632 71 06
Tel. (Sec.): +41 44 633 60 33
ORCID: 0000-0001-8052-3925

Other numbers

Tel: +41 44 632 23 07


ETH Zürich
Sebastian Bonhoeffer
Institut für Integrative Biologie
CHN  K 12.1
Universitätstrasse 16
8092 Zürich

Other Addresses
ETH Zürich
Sebastian Bonhoeffer
Collegium Helveticum
STW  C 17
Schmelzbergstrasse 25
8092 Zürich

Tel. (Alt.): +41 44 632 23 07
Organisations Full Professor at the Department of Environmental Systems Science
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Sebastian Bonhoeffer has been Full Professor in Theoretical Biology at the ETH Zurich since 1 July 2005.

Prof. Bonhoeffer was born in Tübingen, Germany. After studying Music in Basel, he studied Physics in Munich and Vienna and then moved to Oxford, where he did his PhD with Martin Nowak and Robert May at the Department of Zoology. After his PhD he stayed in Oxford as a Research Fellow of Wolfson College and worked as a visiting scientist with David Ho at the Rockefeller University, New York. Prior to his appointment as SNF Research Professor at the ETH in 2001, he was junior group leader at the Friedrich Miescher Institut in Basel.

His research focuses on using population biological models to understand fundamental biological processes. He has worked extensively on mathematical models describing the population dynamics of virus infections within infected individuals. Such models have provided important insights into the pathogenesis of viral infections and HIV infection in particular.

Course Catalogue
701-1418-00L Modelling Course in Population and Evolutionary Biology
701-1424-00L Guarda-Workshop in Evolutionary Biology
701-1461-00L Ecology and Evolution: Seminar
701-1708-00L Infectious Disease Dynamics
Publications inResearch Collection – Publication platform of ETH Zurich
ETH Library Search Portal (advanced search for name)