Academic web applications as well as some other web applications at ETH support single sign-on (SSO), a mechanism whereby a single action of user authentication and authorization can permit a user to access all computers and systems where he has access permission, without the need to enter multiple passwords. To protect yourself from misuse please pay close attention to the following:
1. Do not share your username and password with anyone. If you must write it down, record it safely so that nobody else can access it.
2. If you share your workplace with others, be sure to delete your session cookies thus preventing further access to applications. Adhere to the following instructions or refer to your browser's help file on how to safely delete cookies.
1. Enter Ctrl+Shift+Del key combination or if you're using the menu bar, choose «Tools» and then «Clear Recent History».
2. In the dialogue window click «Clear Now»
1. Enter Ctrl +Shift+Del key combination or if you're using the menu bar, choose « Tools» and then «Delete Browsing History»
2. Tick the «Cookies» box, then click «Delete»
1. Enter Safari key combination: «Apple+,» (Apple + comma) or choose Preferences from Safari menu
2. In the dialog box select tab «Privacy» and select «Details»
3. Select the «Cookies» to be deleted from the list and click on «Remove» or on «Remove All»