Nadi N H Abusaada

Dr. Nadi N H Abusaada



Contact Data

ORCID: 0000-0002-8642-6832


ETH Zürich
Nadi N H Abusaada
Geschichte u.Theorie d. Städtebaus
HIL  D 70.7
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

Name variants

Nadi Abusaada
Organisations Lecturer at the Department of Architecture
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Nadi Abusaada (PhD, Cantab.) is an architect and a historian. He is currently a Lecturer at the Institute for the History and Theory of Architecture (gta) at the Deparment of Architecture, ETH Zurich. Nadi's work focuses on the material histories and visual cultures of the modern Arab world. He is the co-editor of the upcoming book  “Arab Modern: Architecture and the Project of Independence”  (gta Verlag, 2024).

Nadi has taught subjects related to the history and theory of architecture and urbanism at Cambridge, MIT and ETH Zurich. He has also held various academic fellowships including the ETH Zurich Postdoctoral Fellowship at ETH Zurich and the Aga Khan Postdoctoral Fellowship in Islamic Architecture at MIT. Before that, he earned his Ph.D. and M.Phil. degrees in architecture at the University of Cambridge and his BA in architecture at the University of Toronto.

Nadi's writings have been featured in various academic journals including Architectural Theory Review, Architecture and Culture, and the International Journal for Islamic Architecture, among others. Nadi is also the co-founder and co-editor-in-chief of Arab Urbanism , an editorial contributor at The Architectural Review , and a contributing editor at the Jerusalem Quarterly .

Besides his writings, Nadi has also been involved in research-based curatorial work. He has curated and participated in a number of exhibitions around the world including in Ramallah, Zurich, Venice, Dubai, and Montreal.

For further information: 


Course Catalogue
063-0804-24L History and Theory of Architecture VIII: Seen from the South
Publications inResearch Collection – Publication platform of ETH Zurich
ETH Library Search Portal (advanced search for name)