Edwin Zea Escamilla

Dr. Edwin Zea Escamilla



Contact Data

Tel.: +41 44 633 21 53

ORCID: 0000-0002-8677-161X


ETH Zürich
Edwin Zea Escamilla
Inst. Bau-&Infrastrukturmanagement
HIL  F 28.2
Stefano-Franscini-Platz 5
8093 Zürich

Name variants

Edwin Zea Escamilla
Edwin Escamilla
Organisations Lecturer at the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering
Research Field
  • Bio-based materials
  • Circular Economy
  • Life Cycle Cost Assessment
  • Post-disaster Reconstruction
  • Life cycle assessment sensitivity and uncertainties
  • Life cycle assessment evaluation methods
  • Environmental savings potential from the use of bamboo in construction
Curriculum Vitae (CV)

Edwin Zea Escamilla studied architecture in Colombia and withholds a MSc in Urban Environmental Management from Wageningen University(NL). In 2010 he started working as a research assistant at the Chair of Sustainable Construction at ETH Zurich and received his doctoral degree in 2016. His research focus on the life cycle and sustainability analysis of construction materials and buildings. Edwin Zea undertook further education at the ETH Zürich and the University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland (Institute of Energy in Building) in the fields of Geographic Information Systems, project management for research, and energy efficiency in buildings. Prior to his doctoral thesis, he worked in consulting and has collaborated with various NGOs, companies and universities in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Colombia

In August 2016, Edwin was appointed as Head of Sustainable Building and Real Estate at the Centre for Corporate Responsibility and Sustainability (CCRS) at the University of Zürich. During this time, Edwin continued working on national and international research projects dealing with bio-based materials, circular economy, CO2 issues, and sustainable construction specially looking at challenges and opportunities in the real estate markets.

Edwin is member of the Bamboo Construction Task Force of the International Organization for Bamboo and Ratan and was appointed Topic Editor by the Journal Sustainability (MDPI) in 2019. Edwin is also co-organizer of the International Symposium on Bio-Based materials and structures.


Curriculum Vitae (CV) as PDFDownload
From: 18. March 2020
Until: -
From: 12. August 2016
Until: -
1. July 2012
Fellowship from HILTI AG for doctorate studies at the ETH Zürich
Additional Information


Course Catalogue
101-0577-00L An Introduction to Sustainable Development in the Built Environment
Publications inResearch Collection – Publication platform of ETH Zurich
ETH Library Search Portal (advanced search for name)