23 person(s) found

Title Name   First name Telephone Location Organisation 
Zurawlew Vogel-Tomiak Jozefa+41 44 633 40 83HIL  D 25.1 Facility Services
Dr.Vogl Florian+41 44 633 61 95GLC  H 12.2 Institute for Biomechanics
Vogelsanger ChristophSOX  C 14 Building automation
Vogelsanger Mirko  Akademischer Sportverband ASVZ
Vogelsanger Roger+41 44 632 83 62OCT  F 55 Procurement and Export Services
Vogelsanger Samuel+41 44 632 35 32CAB  H 16 Lehre D-INFK
Vogelsang Melanie+41 44 632 52 28HG  H 13.1 Forschungsdienstl. ETH-Bibliothek
Vogelsang Sonja Isabelle+41 44 632 25 69HRG  G 3 Archives of Contemporary History
Vogelbacher Andreas+41 44 632 56 06OCT  F 55 Procurement and Export Services
Vogel Kahmann Irene Sonja+41 52 634 84 39  Dep. of Chemistry and Applied Biosc.
Vogel Burcklen Elodie+41 61 387 31 46BSS  D 14.5 Genomics Facility Basel
Vogel Abigail  Mechanical Engineering MSc
GLC  G 24 Professorship for Rehabilitation Engineering
Vogel Dominik  Architecture BSc
HIB  E 23 Professorship for Digital Building Technologies
Vogel Dylan  Electrical Engin. + Information Technology MSc
LEE  H 207 Professorship for Robotic Systems
Vogel Hans-Heini+41 44 632 36 30CHN  P 18 Inst. Atmospheric and Climate Science
Vogel Linda SerafinaHG  E 50.1 Collec. of Prints and Drawings ETH Lib.
Vogel LukasML  L 13 Professorship for Intelligent Control Systems
  Robotics, Systems and Control MSc
Vogel ManuelaHCI  E 355.1 Professorship for Biomechanics
Vogel SamuelOCT  H 19 Multimedia Production
Prof. em.Vogel ThomasHIL  E 33.3 Institute of Structural Engineering